In Writing

From time to time, anger is something we can all struggle with. But does part of the problem lie in the way we perceive it?(ABC Life: Luke Tribe/Pixabay)

From time to time, anger is something we can all struggle with. But does part of the problem lie in the way we perceive it?(ABC Life: Luke Tribe/Pixabay)

Why anger isn't always bad

While anger has the potential to be destructive, it can be equally constructive.

Black women may feel pressure to straighten, chemically relax or hide their hair in order to meet Eurocentric standards of beauty and professionalism.(ABC Life: Bakri Mahmoud)

Black women may feel pressure to straighten, chemically relax or hide their hair in order to meet Eurocentric standards of beauty and professionalism.(ABC Life: Bakri Mahmoud)

'Why can't I be myself?': Black women reject racism and embrace their natural hair

Hairstyles are a fundamental part of self-expression. They're often our most defining physical feature and can be a manifestation of our personalities. But for black women, hair is about more than just style and beauty.

Johnathan says when he's "spitting bars" he feels strong.(ABC News: Bakri Mahmoud)

Johnathan says when he's "spitting bars" he feels strong.(ABC News: Bakri Mahmoud)

For Melbourne rapper Caution, Johnathan Binge, hip hop has been the best form of therapy

Melbourne rapper Johnathan Binge, also known as Caution, had his first panic attack at 15.